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Monday, February 7, 2011


For the past few days of viewing and observing my twitter account, I saw that it is a somewhat interesting activity. Giving a shout out to the world about what is going on in your life or just a small opinion about something. It can also used for commercial purposes, and to advertise new updates to a magazine, or website. However these advertisements are only links to their sites, because twitter only allows you to 140 characters. This makes it time consuming and hard to do if you are following many sites or people since you have to check is link to know its content. Twittering only seems useful for social and personal uses. There is very small window for actual academic research in it, except for asking people about the topic you wish to know about and hoping someone with a legitimate, reliable and accurate knowledge about the topic replies. As for following your favorite actor or band, then it does come in handy to follow them in such a way, because it is quick and easy to use and search for. Twitter is similar to blogging in which most people you get to follow is talking about their personal lives and opinion about the world and its contents. It is very different though in ways such as you are looking at posting that are 140 characters long and not reading a very long post and pictures that can span from a paragraph to as long 3 pages or even more. In total twitter is just like blogging it is a very poor source of verified, accurate and documented information, and it is only useful for personal and socialization. Although it is also useful for a communication web between people as a source for personal reference about different information sources, given that the people you talk to have legitimate knowledge about the topic.

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