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Monday, February 7, 2011


    Blogging is a fun and entertaining internet activity. It opens a new window in communication and publicity. With it you can show the world your own opinion and make a voice that can be heard by anyone who uses the web. Sites like Bloggers makes it available for everyone to make a page that lets you express yourself and make it known what you think about topics of your interest. It also allows you view a multitude of information about other people, forums and even market related topics, you just have to choose which one interest you. An example of which is www.macrumors.com, this site allows you to know what future gadgets, app and upgrade mac computers and iPhone might have. Which is very useful for people who are into such technology, however it is not a very reliable source of information as even the title suggest. It is the same with www.huffingtonpost.com, which post updates about news about sports, business and many others topics which is useful in its own way but not really a site to get academic sources from. On the other hand it is pretty useful in getting to know new people and what they think about the world and its content, in which the personal blogs come in. This type of blogs allows anyone to make a voice that anyone can hear, a chance to express yourself through creativity via web design or by word through blog posting. Blogging does have its advantages when compared to news papers and magazines such as it is eco-friendly, and readily available as soon as it is posted. However there are drawbacks when it comes to blogging, in ways such as too much blogs exist because anyone can make one, that good information and reliable information is hard to find in a vast pool of blog pages that exist. Therefore we must all be careful in which one we choose to follow and that have to make sure that the information we attain from that page is reliable and accurate.

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